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蛋疼的Mac OS虚拟机和xcode 4.2


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Tom Dowdy (Found in iTunes)

I have noticed that in the iTunes process memory ,there have being a person who named Tom.Today I saw his name agin ,and Googled this person ,here is all about him.

Tom is 40 years old.
Tom was raised in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Tom went to college at the University of Notre Dame.
Tom is six feet and two inches tall.
Tom works too much.
Tom listens to music most people don’t like.
Tom has worked at Apple Computer, Inc. for seventeen years.
Tom has worked on QuickTime in the past.
Tom works on iTunes currently.
Tom wrote DarkSide of the Macintosh, a screen saver that does not patch any traps.
Tom enjoys semi-professional cooking.
Tom drives a silly car.
Tom sometimes drives a different silly car.
Tom has one younger brother.
Tom has two excellent parents.

Orginal content link page:http://www.poubelle.com/Tom.html

Mac OS gdb 配置模版


所以最常规的方法还是使用gdb进行调试,当然对于gdb在调试之前最好能够进行一些配置,如果通过良好的配置可以达到事半功倍的效果。但是还有一点需要注意的是mac系统下的gdb和linux系统下的gdb并不是完全一样的,在mac系统下如果使用gdb -app的方式启动的话这个配置文件并不会达到想要的效果,所以最好的方式是首先启动gdb然后采用exe app的方式来加载和启动调试。


ps: 还有另外的一个配置文件是针对ios设备的,如果需要的话猛击此处下载! (使用方法,下载后复制到用户目录下,修改文件名为.gdbinit然后重新启动gdb即可)